Selasa, 20 November 2018

Too Many Bananas. Short Story.

BY Sullivan No comments

Link of the audio story

The Story

Mr. Srinivas was having a very bad day. Nobody wanted the sweet, ripe the bananas he was growing on his farm. Not his family, not his neighbor, not his friends, not the traders who could sell the bananas in far away markets., and not even his cows. “No, thank you.” They all said. “the bananas are too sweet, but we have had too many. We cannot eat anymore.” Poor Mr. Srinivas. What was he to do now with his rich harvest od bananas ? He decided to seek help from the Farmer’s Centre in Doddoru, a big town near his village. Off he went carrying the best crop of bananas. Surely someone there have a good idea for him. A few days later, Mr. Srinivas returned home looking very happy. He went back to growing bananas in his farm. But he didn’t offer the food to anyone anymore. Not to his family, not to his neighbor, not to his friends, not to the traders wo could sell bananas in far away market, and not even to his cows. Everyone became very curious. Where were all the bananas going ? one day, neighbor Shivanna arranged a very big pooja. The priest ask him to get 108 ripe bananas as an offering to the gods. Shivanna ran to Mr. Srinivas. “I’m sorry for saying no to you before, but now I need 108 ripe of bananas. Can you help me please ?” Mr. Srinivas tapped his chin. “well, my crop has just been cut, but let me see what can I do. You may start your Pooja. I will surely come.” And the pooja started.  The whole village came to watch. The priest began chanting. Soon it became time to offer bananas to the gods. Just then, in came Mr. Srinivas carrying a big bag. From the bag, he carefully took out 27 packets and lait them out before the holy fire. Each packet was carefully wrapped in banana leaf. On each one was writer “High Quality Banana Halwa, S.S. Farms” Mr. Srinivas offered one to the priest. “each one has the pulp of 4 bananas, There are 27 packets, so here are your 108 ripe bananas.” The priest was so surprised that he forgot to chant. In the silence, one child began to laugh. Soon the whole village  was laughing and clapping. Now we know what Mr. Srinivas Does with all the bananas that he grows.

Thank You

Rabu, 18 Juli 2018

Padang Infographic

BY Sullivan No comments

Senin, 22 Januari 2018

Soekarna-Hatta International Airport

BY Sullivan No comments

            Hei everyone. Long time no see. Today I will give a video about our journey to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. We went to the terminal 2F International Departure. Many things we saw in there at that moment. We went to the Departure Lounge, many Signpost we met there. We also went to Check in Pool and also we met some officer there. But we couldn’t go far because it took some permission to get further there. So I think this is our video of slide photos of our journey in International Airport Soekarno-Hatta.